Азия и Африка в меняющемся мире. XXVIII Международная научная конференция 22-24 апреля 2015 г. - page 385

Angelina Saule (St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg)
The Modernist poetics of the erotic:
the metamorphosis of desire formalised in the work
of the Modernist poet Nizar Qabbani
The paper wishes to provide an illuminating analysis on the formal innovation
that desire can generate, as elucidated in the works of Nizar Qabbani, who represents
the formal innovations of Modernism within Arabic poetry.
The poet analysed offered a means of resistance through the pursuit of pleasure
and its recoded representation. The paper is an attempt to summarize the poetic rev-
olution emblematic of his vision in the book ‘Republic of Love’ and how it actually
helped rescue from neglect and oblivion the tired poetic expressions of desire in
earlier Arabic poetry. The erotic desire to possess and thus express the other, yet to
always elude the other and to continue desiring, arises from a poetic language and
mythopoeia of metaphor, that goes beyond existing limits of expression. Eroticism
exists as a desire for transgression, thus dissolving the rational world which is
always temporary.
Because the nature of desire is intertwined with the erotic and sexual, it stands to
reason that Qabbani attempted to conceive eroticism as some form of dissoluteness
or an excess connected with the future of mechanization and war. It is imperative to
note that the objectives of the Qabbani can be considered within the wider scale of
the Modernist project in the English-speaking and Russian-speaking world as well.
Despite the innate preoccupation with innovating form and content, poets within
Modernism were also inevitably tied to the past as a poetics after repression — his-
torically, after Imperialism, Tsarism, WWI, revolution.
Sexual aberration, including sadism, masochism, homosexuality, fetishism, and
necrophilia became a way to displace the language of power: did Imperialism, war
or revolution threaten or defeat the Erotic? Did these poets offer a means of resis-
tance through a pursuit of pleasure and its recoded representation? As sexuality and
eroticism play a central role in the formation of the poetic voice throughout poetic
history, were the Modernists able to recodify the erotic?
Абдуллаева Ш. А. (Архив Политических Документов УДП
Азербайджана, Баку)
«Йусуф и Зулейха» тюркского поэта XV в.
Хамдуллаха Хамди
Легенда о Йусуфе и Зулейхе на протяжении столетий являлась одной из
популярных и любимых тем как в персоязычной, так и тюркоязычной лите-
ратуре. Известный турецкий литературовед Агах Сирри Левенд (1893–1979)
Литература стран Азии и Африки
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