Азия и Африка в меняющемся мире. XXVIII Международная научная конференция 22-24 апреля 2015 г. - page 525

Секция I.
Источниковедение и историография
Ближнего Востока
Historiography of the Middle EasT
Atef M. Abdel-Hamid (Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt).
The sacred geography
in Henry Field’s Voyage to Egypt (1883).......................................................................5
Çetin Aykurt (Artvin Coruh University, Artvin, Turkey).
Şânî-Zâde Mehmed Efendi
(1771–1826) and his historical works............................................................................6
Roswitha Badry (University of Freiburg, Germany).
How to succeed in shaking off
a bad reputation? Efforts of Nusayris/Alawis in the 20
century to improve
their image......................................................................................................................6
Fatih Demirel (Artvin Coruh University, Artvin, Turkey).
History Education
at high schools in the Ottoman Empire..........................................................................7
Gad Gilbar (University of Haifa, Israel).
Shahrzad, Ibn Khaldun and the
On the Image of the Muslim Big Merchants..................................................................7
Mustafa Ozturk (Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey).
Влияние гражданской
войны в Сирии на социально-экономическое положение Турции..........................8
Omar Bakr Mohamed Qutb (Minia University, Egypt).
Moroccan Village of Igiliz:
Islamic Historical and Geographical Sources and Recent Studies.................................9
Abdellatif M. As-Sabbagh (Benha University, Egypt).
A Survey of the Sources
Related to the Egyptian Rule in Syria (1831–1841)......................................................9
Tülay Yürekli (Adnan Menderes University, Aydin, Turkey).
The Intelligence Activities
during Medieval Turk-Islam States: Example of Zangids and Ayyubids.....................10
Абдарраззак Аль-Маамари (King Saudi University, SA).
Олдованские стоянки
в Аравии и гипотеза миграции через Баб-аль-Мандабский пролив
и на Сокотру................................................................................................................ 11
Абилова З. А. (ИР НАНА, Баку).
Шара’и аль-ислам
» («Законы мусульман
шиитского толка») А. К. Казем-Бека........................................................................12
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