XXX Международный конгресс ИИСАА. 19–21 июня 2019 г. Т. 1

Круглый стол: «Образ России в Азии и Африке» к 150-летию академика В. В. Бартольда (1869–1930). Ч. 1 451 3) Are there any differences in the portrayal of foreigners depending on the subject for which a given textbook is used? 4) When did foreigners start to appear in textbooks? To answer these questions a content analysis was conducted of both texts and images, identifying sentences and images in which the non-Japanese were presented. For the research material twenty-two textbooks were chosen, as used in 2018/2019 for six subjects (National/Japanese Language, Arithmetic, Living Environment Studies, Music, Art and Handicraft, and Moral Education). In addition, eighteen textbooks used in 2010–2011, 2001–2002 and 1988–1989 (Japanese Language textbooks); Living Environment Studies textbooks for 1991–1992 were also analyzed. The results show that the representation of foreigners in textbooks differs depend- ing on textbook subject and can be categorized into four groups: 1) the authors of books and stories presented in the textbooks; 2) non-Japanese as part of Japanese society; 3) non-Japanese and Japanese as members of the human race; and 4) foreigners presented as moral role models. The non-Japanese from the first group mostly appear in Japanese Language textbooks and constitute the vast majority of such representations. However, only the names of the authors are given, usually along with Japanese authors’ names, hence a particular image of the non-Japanese could not be specified in this case. Yet, it is worth noting that an increase in percentage share of non-Japanese authors can be observed in the years 2010–2011. Portrayal of non-Japanese as part of Japanese society can mainly be found in the form of images (photos and drawings) in textbooks for Living Environment Stud- ies. The nationality of the foreigners presented is not specified. It can, however, be asserted that they are not portrayed as tourists, but rather as permanent residents who enjoy their life and are well integrated with Japanese citizens. Surprisingly, there were more images of non-Japanese as part of society in textbooks from 2010–2011 than in 2018–2019. When the nationality of non-Japanese from the third group was provided (e.g. Russian, Chinese, Korean), they were depicted in traditional costume, highlighting their differences, although the main stress was on the unity of mankind. The nationality of non-Japanese was clearly stated in the fourth group ‒ foreigners as moral role models. This type of depiction can be observed in textbooks for Moral Education and for the Japanese Language, where longer accounts of particular for- eigners (Jean-Henri Casimir Fabre, Florence Nightingale) or folktales are presented. It seems that the Russian folktale The Gigantic Turnip is particularly perceived as crucial in moral education, since it is presented in every textbook studied during the first semester of the first grade. Most probably this is due to the emphasis on the importance of cooperation in the story. No occurrence of non-Japanese was recorded in the Arithmetic textbook.