Локальное наследие и глобальная перспектива. 24-29 апреля 2014 г. - page 10

Секция I
9 June 1832 up to 6 January 1834. The authors of the present paper made their
first announcement about “Cretan Events” at the 12
International Conference of
Graeco-Oriental and African Studies (European Cultural Center of Delphi, 7–10
May 2009).
However, a multi-party and multi disciplinary critical study of this newspaper
over time will promote research into the ten-year Cretan occupation by the Arabs
(1830–1840) under Muhammad Ali (Mehmet Ali), which, in our opinion, has yet
to be sufficiently studied.
The personality and the work of Muhammad Ali place him among those
personages who influenced both the socio-political and economic development
in the Ottoman Empire in the course of the 19
century. The international
bibliography points out, among others, his reforming work in Egypt and his
contribution to shaping the identity of the Arab world. In Crete, Muhammad
Ali extended his innovative policies and endeavoured to strengthen his
authority through them. For this reason latest research indicates that in spite
of the inequalities traditionally maintained against Christians, the Egyptian
Administration improved their conditions noticeably. Among other, the
newspaper took an interest in recording local events in the island, the court cases
as they were mentioned at councils.
The purpose of this paper is to present how the interaction of efforts of
appeasement of the Christian subjects and a more or less implicit Muslim supremacy
worked through the application of penal justice in Crete as it is described in the
bilingual (Greek-Ottoman) gazette
. The main issues which faced
the Egyptian Administration concerned cases of robbery, rape, occult practices,
drunkenness, insubordination etc.
А. Р. Абянова (РГГУ, Москва)
Специфика клятвенных зачинов в Коране
Различных клятв в Коране около тридцати, из них более половины встре-
чается в зачинах. Клятва представляет собой высказывание, эквивалентное
действию, которое речевым актом само себя осуществляет. Такого рода выска-
зывание в лингвистике получило название
Как отмечается рядом исследователей, в перформативе язык реализует
функцию, близкую к магической. Клятва во многом является атрибутом языче-
ства, порождением языческого сознания. Известно, что мекканцы сравнивали
коранические проповеди с заклинаниями прорицателей
, которые, как
считалось, в состоянии транса общались с божеством. Более того, некоторые
исламоведы допускают сходство
(особая рифмованная проза) с неко-
торыми кораническими фрагментами, например, с клятвенными зачинами сур
«Рассеивающие» и «Посылаемые».
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