Локальное наследие и глобальная перспектива. 24-29 апреля 2014 г. - page 113

Vadim Atnashev (Russian Presidential Academy, Moscow)
Transformation of Islam in the Long-term Isolation:
The Case of Cham Bani
Bani is a syncretic religious cult consisting of elements of Islam, Hinduism,
Buddhism and ancient local beliefs. It exists only among Cham population in the
Central Vietnam and in Cambodia, hence to be a Bani means to be a Cham. Other
Chams of the region are Hinduists and a small part presents the orthodox Muslim
group called “
Cham Islam
”. Meanwhile, the latter began to form only in 1960s and
gradually increased its number and influence among all Chams.
In the present paper, firstly, the brief history of introduction of Islam to Champa
and the Bani cult evolution are considered. Secondly, the author examines relations
between Bani and Hindus, Bani and Cham Islam communities, with demonstration
of some sacred texts from the Cham heritage.
Finally, the present situation of Bani is highlighted. It has become more com-
plicated nowadays because of gradual conversion of some Bani to Islam. While
this world religion seems to be much closer to the Bani than Hinduism, they have
nothing but their will to keep intact their traditions and cult of their ancestors. Under
strict control of the Vietnamese state and with few opportunities for development of
the Cham people in general, the main question is whether Bani as a phenomenon is
destined to disappear in the future.
С. Л. Бурмистров (ИВР РАН, С.-Петербург)
» как исторический источник
В приписываемой Шанкаре «
», рукопись
которой хранится в Индийском фонде Института восточных рукописей РАН
под шифромV, 9d (Ind. 4), упоминается ряд религиозно-философских течений
Индии, с которыми полемизировали ведантисты.
Секция VI.
Источниковедение и историография
Индии и ЮВА
Historiography of India and Southeast Asia
1...,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112 114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,...436
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