Локальное наследие и глобальная перспектива. 24-29 апреля 2014 г. - page 182

Секция IX
with works of Li Bai, Du Fu and other Chinese poets, try to show what were the
intellectual concepts on which the discussed group of 15
century Korean poets
draw on in the moment of state crisis.
Vladimir Tikhonov (Oslo University)
Military Chaplaincy in South Korea — religion as a substitute
for ideology?
From its very beginnings, South Korea suffered from an acute deficit of political
legitimacy. Its lack of nationalistic credentials was mainly due to the fact that
the privileged layers of the colonial society, tainted by their collaboration with
the Japanese, conspicuously retained their positions. While South Korea’s first
Constitution (1948) went as far as to promise the workers their share in companies’
profits (iik kyunjŏm), the reality of mass pauperism and hunger wages was only too
obvious. One of the ways of compensating for the evident lack of socio-economic
progress was to emphasise the “freedom and democracy” in South Korea — as
opposed to what South Korean propagandists termed as “totalitarian regime” in the
North. But the claims to “democracy” were increasingly belied by the authoritarian
behaviour of South Korea’s first president, Syngman Rhee, whose regime was by
1952 routinely characterized as “dictatorial” even by his conservative opponents
from parliamentary Democratic Party.
Facing serious deficit of reliable ideology — aside from rabid anti-Communism
and primordealist invocations of “Korean blood and glory” — the new-born pro-
American regime had to make the most active use of the religious beliefs, as possible
substitutes for the secular ideological tools. This “religious turn” was greatly helped
by the conflicts between Protestant and Catholic establishments and North Korean
authorities in 1945–1950, which made overwhelming majority of Korea’s Christians
into hard-core anti-Communists, and guaranteed their loyalty to Seoul regime. Apart
of this “religious turn” was reliance on military chaplaincy (initially purely Christian,
established in 1951) for a large part of the indoctrination efforts inside the army.
This paper will attempt to make a detailed account of how military chaplaincy has
been fulfilling its ideological roles.
В. С. Акуленко (ШРМИ, ДВФУ, Владивосток)
О влиянии понимания термина «минчжок» на построение
теорий этногенеза корейского народа современными
корейскими учеными
Современные южнокорейские и северокорейские теории этногенеза имеют
одну общую особенность, которая отчетливо бросается в глаза при изучении
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