Доклады Международного конгресса ИИСАА. Т. 1

16 Proceedings of the International Congress on Historiography and Source Studies of Asia and Africa.Vol. I. 2020 FOREWORD Eyes of the Source and Eyes of the Historian: Multiple Perceptions and Mutual Understanding Our conference with its rather pedestrian name — Source Studies and Historiography ofAsia andAfrica—has evolved into a large Congress representing contemporary Oriental Studies with a great variety of subjects and an extensive geographical scope. This is due not only to the dedicated work of its organizers, but also to the underlying theme — Source Studies and Historiography — expressing the essence of what makes Oriental Studies relevant today. The data and images of different civilizations are investigated with a clearly recognized awareness of the point of view, interests, moods and limitations of the sources and those who study them. We are witnessing the growing importance and popularity of Oriental Studies as providing a comprehensive approach by scholars, combining various branches of human knowledge and investigating a variety of cultures from the outside and from within. Oriental knowledge is in demand to support multicultural dialogue that overcomes historic divisions. It makes diversity an object of admiration and the basis for a new world outlook, important for the survival of humankind. Oriental Studies meet the needs of today’s approach to knowledge by offering a combination of different visions and points of view. There is a famous maxim used by Oscar Wilde — “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Indeed, Oriental Studies are dedicated to the beauty of culture and to the eyes that observe it — the eyes of the source and the eyes of the historian. The combination of cool and critical analysis with emotional enthusiasm for the subject, in fact, makes our Oriental scholarship an important part of the cultural heritage of the nation. Oriental Studies connect different worlds and allow not only scholars, but also a large number of people to have the luxury of understanding different cultural codes. This is being done on the basis of rigorous scholarship, which does not turn into journalism, although not alien to it.