Доклады Международного конгресса ИИСАА. Т. 1

III. Far East, South and South-East Asia / Дальний Восток, Южная и Юго-Восточная Азия Доклады Международного конгресса по источниковедению и историографии стран Азии и Африки. Т. 1. 2020 561 15. Kitayskaya narodnaya kartina nyan ’ hua iz sobraniya Gosudarstvennogo Ermi- tazha. Katalog vystavki. [Chinese popular prints nianhua from the collection of the State Hermitage. Exhibition catalogue]. St Petersburg, 2003. (In Russian). 16. Kollektsiya kitayskoy narodnoy kartiny iz sobraniya akademika V. M. Alekse- eva iz fondov Gosudarstvennogo muzeya istorii religii. [Academician V. Alekseev’s Collection of the Chinese popular woodblock prints from the State Museum of the History of Religion]. URL: http://alekseev-collection.gmir.ru (accessed 05.08.2019). (In Russian). 17. Riftin B. L. O kitayskom lubke i ego russkih sobiratelyah // Redkie kitayskie narodnye kartiny iz sovetskih sobraniy. [Chinese Lubok and its Russian Collectors // Rare Chinese Folk Paintings from Soviet Collections]. Leningrad; Beijing, 1981. (In Russian). 18. Speshnev N. A. V. M. Alekseev kak fonetist // Literatura i kul’tura Kitaya. [V. M. Alekseev as a Phonetician]. Moscow, 1972. (In Russian). 19. SPFARAN, fond 820.AlekseevVasiliyMihaylovich (1881–1951), filolog, kitaist, akademik AN SSSR. [St Petersburg Branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Fund 820. Alekseev Vasiliy Mihaylovich (1881–1951), Philologist, Sinologist, Academician]. 20. Teryukova E. A., Zavidovskaya E. A. Akademik V. M. Alekseev i Muzey istorii religii (Iz istorii sozdaniya ekspozitsii po istorii religiy Kitaya i formirovaniya kitays- koy kollektssii GMIR) // Trudy Gosudarstvennogo muzeya istorii religii . [Academician V. M. Alekseev and the Museum of the History of Religion: From the History of Creating an Exposition on the History of Religions of China and the Formation of the Chinese Collection of the State Museum of Religion // Proceedings of the State Museum of the History of Religion ]. 2015. 15. (In Russian). 21. Teryukova E. A., Zavidovskaya E. A., Hizhnyak O. S. V. M. Alekseev o metodah issledovaniya kitayskoy narodnoy kartiny // Trudy Gosudarstvennogo muzeya istorii religii . 2016. 16. [V. M. Alekseev on Methods for the Study of Chinese Popular Prints // Proceedings of the State Museum of the History of Religion ]. (In Russian). 22. Teryukova E. A., Zavidovskaya E. A. K voprosu o metodah issledovaniya kitays- koy narodnoy kartiny (po materialam kollekcii akademika V. M. Alekseeva iz sobraniya GMIR). [On Methods for the Study of Chinese Popular Prints (Based on the Materials of the Collection of Academician V. M. Alekseev from the State Museum of the History of Religion)] // Religiovedenie . 2016. № 3. (In Russian). 23. Ul’tszuj Batarho (Lichnaya kartochka, 1920-e?). [Ulzuy Batarkho’s personal card, 1920s?]. St Petersburg UniversityArchive. Fund 1. List 54. URL: http://history.museums . spbu.ru/files/Arhivnaya_kollekciya/Lichnie_kartochki/54.pdf (accessed 23.07.2019). 24. Vasil’ev Boris Aleksandrovich // Lyudi i sud’by. Biobibliograficheskiy slovar’ vostokovedov—zhertv politicheskogo terrora v sovetskiy period (1917–1991). [Vasiliev Boris Alexandrovich // People and destinies. Bibliographic Dictionary of Orien­ talists — Victims of Political Terror in the Soviet Period (1917–1991)]. St Petersburg, 2003. (In Russian). 25. Vinogradova T. I. Zapiski V. M.Alekseeva o rabote nad Lyao Zhaemv “Sinologich- eskoy kartoteke” uchenogo // Problemy literatur Dal ’ nego Vostoka . 2016. [Academician