XXX Международный конгресс ИИСАА. 19–21 июня 2019 г. Т. 1

Источниковедение и историография Арабских стран к 150-летию академика В. В. Бартольда (1869–1930). Ч. 1 101 The collapse of the Ottoman Empire raised hopes among Arabs that the United Kingdomwould keep the promise given to Hussein to support theArab independence as both sides agreed according to the Hussein—McMahon Correspondence. Relying on this promise Hussein ibn Ali proclaimed himself king laying claims to unify all Arab territories of former Arab provinces of the Ottoman Empire. In addition to the disagreement within the Correspondence, the clash of interests was stipulated by secret negotiations between the United Kingdom and France [with the consent of the Russian Empire] which is known in history as Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916. It meant that the United Kingdom simultaneously conducted negotiations with different sides.According to this agreement the Ottoman territories in Iraq, Syria, Palestine and Lebanon were to be divided into administrative zones between the United Kingdom and France 1 . As noted above, since 1918 Faisal ibn Hussein set up administration in Syria, and thus in 1920 he proclaimed the establishment of Greater Syrian monarchy. Syria, Palestine, Lebanon and Transjordan were included into the territory of Greater Syria and King Faisal declared that now they were independent from foreign rulers 2 . The problemwas solved at the Conference of San Remo,April 1920 with France claiming to formalize new Syria and mandate for Syria was given to France. Sparking violent unrest after the decision about the French mandate at the Conference of San Remo was easily defeated by French forces and Faisal was sent into exile. Important for France was the presence in Syria of the Maronite Christians who were their allies in this region 3 . Another disagreement and even subject of academic and political conjecture on Correspondence concerned Palestine. As it was mentioned above the recognition of the independence of Palestine along with Iraq, Syria and Jordan by the United Kingdomwas Hussein’s demand before the British government when he was giving his assent to launch a revolt against the Ottoman Empire. After the intensification of Zionist settlement in the region, Palestine question in McMahon and Hussein’s deliberations became an issue of growing significance for all the political actors having interests in the region 4 . For Arab nationalists the end of the WWI was the time of disappointment as they witnessed the disagreement between McMahon and Hussein about the areas which had been included into the territories to be granted independence. But with the Balfour Declaration (November 1917) the situation became more confused. 1 Sykes-Picot Agreement. 2 Hussein-McMahon Correspondance. Mahon-correspondence. 3 Kylie Baxter and Shahram Akbarzadeh. US Foreign Policy in the Middle East. The roots of anti-Americansm. London and New-York, 2008. P. 11. 4 Huneidi Sahar. ABroken Trust: Herbert Samuel, Zionism and the Palestinians. London: IB Tauris, 2001