XXX Международный конгресс ИИСАА. 19–21 июня 2019 г. Т. 1

Секция VIII 366 XXX Международный Конгресс по источниковедению и историографии стран Азии и Африки Orientalism . Most of all, the protagonist of The Mersault Investigation condemns Camus for depriving The Stranger’s onlyArab character of his name , an accusation that is particularly interesting, if we take into consideration the significance and meaning of naming in Islam. In his novel, Daoud pinpoints certain aspects of the muslim culture and faith which seem to have been utterly misunderstoon or unkown to the French Noble prize winner. Inna V. Tsoy (FAAS, St Petersburg University, St Petersburg) Motives of dual behavior in Hyun Jin-geon’s short story “Proctor B and Love Letter” (1925) and Alexander Kuprin’s short story “Natalya Davydovna” (1896) The cultural influence that China, Japan, Russia, Europe and, later, America have had on Koreans’ spiritual views has significantly changed their literary preferences. Scholars and researchers from other countries recognize the ability of Koreans to take the most vivid features and ideas from the kaleidoscope of the European literary tradition and to transform them into Korean ones. As a result, one can find something that looks familiar to a European, however is Korean on the inside. In other words, Koreans are very good at singling out certain basic features and replacing the European cultural content with their distinctive national features. The underlying idea of almost every modern Korean work is the dual nature of a character’s behavior, an idea that can be either clearly expressed or implied. On the one hand, characters are limited by rigid social rules (which appears to be a manifestation of the so-called Confucian behavior), and on the other, there is behavior that goes beyond the norms of the society — a kind of Taoist behavior, inner freedom, freedom from social norms and dogmas. This is particularly evident in the works of modern and postmodern Korean writers. Here is an example. In 1896,Alexander Kuprin (1870–1938), the famous Russian writer, published a short story called “Natalya Davydovna”. The female protagonist is a teacher in the institute for noble maidens, highly esteemed by the administration and her students. However, when the heroine leaves the institute, she turns into a wanton and dissolute woman who takes her lover to a hotel and spends all night indulging in unrestrained pleasures. In 1925, Hyun Jin-geon (1900–1943), who is well-known in Korea and is considered to be one of the founders of realism in Korean literature, wrote a short story “Proctor B and Love Letter”. The main character of this story is a teacher and a supervisor in a female dormitory who is dead set against many things, but what she hates the most are love letters sent to girls who live in the dormitory. Being an old maid, an extremely religious and harsh woman, she instills fear in schoolgirls,