XXX Международный конгресс ИИСАА. 19–21 июня 2019 г. Т. 1

Секция I 56 XXX Международный Конгресс по источниковедению и историографии стран Азии и Африки at finding those books using the Catalogue and other clues, comparing the original binding formats and the restored ones, and studying their subjects with a view to identify how the knowledge was spread and what their influence was at that time. Anastasia A. Guryeva (FAAS, St Petersburg University, St Petersburg) Book of the Far East as an Educational Course: Teaching Culture through Book History 1 The paper focuses on educational aspects of book culture of the Far East. Tracing ontological, gnoseological, social aspects of studying book (according to E. Zavadskaya’s classification 2 ), we grasp the general character of book as covering mental, spiritual and social life of people, i.e. the aspects that attain specifics within the context of a certain culture, making book an object that comprises basics of culture and its coordinates. The paper bases on the authors’ experience of teaching the course “Book in the Far East” for M. A. students at the Asian studies program, Saint Petersburg University 3 and discusses what one can learn through examining book culture specifics of a certain country/region. Focusing on manuscript and old-printed books of China, Korea and Japan, we gather the information from design and inner characteristics of books, from book production and circulation. The main aspects are: 1) Aesthetics. General concepts; 2) Models constituting the world; 3) Historical facts; 4) Social aspects; 5) Intercultural relations; 6) Other. To make specifics of Asian book more vivid, the course suggests the introductory part that familiarizes the students with general terms and concepts related to book, history of the book in the world in brief, and book today: facts and numbers, etc. Revising the world history of book helps learn the book related etymology of such terms as “style”, “rubricating”, “album”, or “title”. It also serves a prerequisite for learning general philosophical and aesthetic aspects of book design (e. g., V.A. Favorsky’s theories), and for showing students the most famous manuscripts of various cultures. After the introduction part forms the base of understanding the phenomenon of book and specifics of book in the West, the main part of the course deals with the following subjects: • Book design, which is a base for learning basic models of the three cultures, common and different points. E.g. the relation of design of cover and page with 1 This work was supported by the Core University Program for Korean Studies through the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the Korean Studies Promotion Service of the Academy of Korean Studies (AKS-2016- OLU-2250002). 2 Zavadskaya E. V. Japanese book art of 7–19th cc. Moscow, 1986. P. 11. (In Russian). 3 Elaborating the course was carried out with the support of the Academy of Korean Studies, Republic of Korea.