XXX Международный конгресс ИИСАА. 19–21 июня 2019 г. Т. 1

«Книга в истории и культуре Востока»... к 150-летию академика В. В. Бартольда (1869–1930). Ч. 1 57 the concept of “emptiness” 1 , the triad “Heaven, Earth & Human”, numbering books within one edition 2 in relation with the “Book of Changes”, five elements, “AThousand of Characters”, Japanese irokha alphabet, space and time models etc., binding and the concept of “five relationships”; • Edition types and sociology of readership; • Marginalia specifics in relation with everyday life, the readers’ literacy level; • Role of book and text in different historical periods as relating to cultural dominants of each culture; • Commercialization of book publishing which was shaped differently in the three countries serving an illustration for book market’s relation to cultural specifics; • Book in everyday life, place of book in official and private space, book as a part of leisure culture (including game), philosophy of reading; • Libraries, book-stores and book-peddlers culture shows the specifics of text perception and of the readers’ audience in each country; • Inter-relations of the three countries related to book (e.g. Japanese activity in Korea during Colonial period). Joint book related research today (e.g. on the 17–18th cent. records of Koreans who were brought to Japan by storm and vice versa); • Main collections of the Far Eastern books in different countries, their formation history, their compilers. These facts are a part of the history of Asian studies in the West. Namely, the collection of Saint Petersburg University played an important part during the earlier stages of Asian studies in Russia. The variety of the above items illustrates a wide range of cultural concepts, specific features as well as factual information on society and lives of the peoples studied and discussed basing on the material of book. Charles Melville (Pembroke College, Cambridge, UK) Illustrated histories of Iran and Transoxiana in St Petersburg Collections The collections of manuscripts in the libraries of St Petersburg, not surprisingly, hold many important copies of Persian historical texts covering the history of Iran and Central Asia, and a small but representative number of these are illustrated. The St Petersburg collections (in the National Library of Russia and the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts) include examples of the different types of chronicle 1 Zavadskaya E. V. Culture of the Orient in ContemporaryWesternWorld. Moscow, 1977. (In Russian). 2 Eliseev D. D. On the issue of manuscript book in Korean culture // Manuscript book in the Culture of the Peoples of the Orient. Vol.2. Moscow, 1988. (In Russian).