Т. 2. Азия и Африка: Наследие и современность

Источниковедение и историография Китая Asia and Africa: their Heritage and Modernity. Vol. 2 63 watch her new “pig-human” ( 人彘 ), as she called crippled Qi-furen. The result of these visits were dreadful: after watching the disfigured Qi-furen, Liu Ying burst out crying, laid ill for two days and then wrote to his mother: “What you have done is inhuman. I, your son, Empress, will never be able to rule the Celestial Empire again”. Indeed he never turned back to his regal duties and died in 7 years. Even after decades the story of “pig-human” remained the major intimidation for royal favorites. No wonder, in time the legend of poor Qi-furen has transformed into a new wor- ship practice in the Chinese folksy religion. Having been tortured and murdered in the latrine, deified Qi-furen has become the goddess of toilets and cesspools. Hence, the process of sanctification happened to be quite lengthy, whilst a great many other deities (sometimes zoomorphic) executed the same divine chores alongside Qi-furen. The prevalence of Qi-furen as a latrine god Zi-gu ( 紫姑 ) must have happened not earlier than in Song Dynasty ( 宋 , 960–1279). Since then Zi-gu has been being worshipped as the main heavenly supervisor of Chinese restrooms, appearing in a great many forms: as one person and as a group of persons; as a poor concubine, murdered by the wicked senior wife and as several irreverent sisters, who must atone their indecent conduct, etc. Howbeit the main role of Zi-gu is a predictor, prognosticator, to whom young ladies for centuries have been addressing their divinations during the Lantern Festival. The sortilege implies direct contact with the spirit instead of using less reliable but safer foretelling techniques and is performed by both — special mediums and common village or town folks. The name of the deity has also undergone a number of transformations according to time and local dialects: in some regions it is called Qi-gu, in some Zi-gu, even San-gu and the like. Thus in the Chinese folksy religion the historic figure Qi-furen has been transformed in a multifunctional and diverse deity with an abundant functional of its own, inspired by an affluent tradition of divinations, connected with latrine, but this is a matter of a special research. Алтан-Очир (ИКОР, КАОН, Пекин) Медведь глазами дракона: Образ России в Китае в XVIII и XIX вв. Первыми официальными контактами между Китаем и Россией являются посольства Федора Байкова и Ивана Перфильева, посетившие китайскую столицу Пекин в 1656 и 1660 годах. Но, к сожалению, эти неудачные миссии не оставили заметного следа в истории, так как почти не осталось ника- ких записей в китайских или маньчжурских документах. А после того, как посольство Н. Г. Спафария (Милеску) посетило Пекин, с визитом в 1675 г., произошли Арбазинские войны 1685–1688 гг., и даже после подписания Нерчинского договора 1689 года, знания цинского двора о России были очень