XXXI Международный конгресс ИИСАА. 23–25 июня 2021 г. Т. 1

Россия и Восток. К 100-летию политических и культурных связей новейшего времени. Т. 1 191 СЕКЦИЯ VI • SECTION VI ИСТОЧНИКОВЕДЕНИЕ И ИСТОРИОГРАФИЯ ЦЕНТРАЛЬНОЙ АЗИИ HISTORIOGRAPHY AND SOURCE STUDIES OF CENTRAL ASIA Tojieva Feruza (Mamun Academy, Khiva, Uzbekistan) The Issue of Women in Slavery Relations in the Khiva Khanate The role of female slaves or maids in the issue of slavery in the Khiva khanate is one of the current problems of historical science. However, the issue of the status and fate of female slaves in the Khiva khanate and their role in the economic, social and spiritual life of the khanate is much less reflected in written sources. In particular, in the memoirs of Russian and partly British tourists and ambassadors, in the works of Russian researchers, and in information about slavery in Iranian-Persian sources, there is few fact about female slaves, including cursory information about the value of female slaves and the work they do. In local sources, we have almost no information about it. It should be understood that even the works by Munis, Ogahi and Bayani did not pay much attention not only to the issue of slaves or captives, but also to the issue of women in general, because they treated women from the Islamic point of view as all people of this period. The sources providing information about the role of female slaves or maids in the issue of slavery in the Khiva khanate can be conditionally divided into two groups: 1) Russian and European sources of the XVI–XIX centuries; 2) Sources of Iran, Bukhara and Khiva.