XXXI Международный конгресс ИИСАА. 23–25 июня 2021 г. Т. 1

Россия и Восток. К 100-летию политических и культурных связей новейшего времени. Т. 1 369 Источниковедение и историография Кореи Russian enemy, Japan, to invade its territory. Can it be concluded that naturally the Soviet Union saw the Korean peninsula as essential territory for communization for Soviet security? Contemporary discussion on this topic lacks empirical Russian evidence to support its suppositions. It also neglects a counter example in Austria, where the Soviet Union arrived in its capital, Vienna, and took steps that eventually worked in Austria’s favor: its independence in 1955 as a neutral but whole state in spite of its strategic location between eastern and western European states. This paper seeks to develop provisional answers to questions regarding the Soviet Union’s interests in Korea in the hope of promoting discussion from interested Soviet scholars of this period, and specifically Soviet-U. S. relations at this time. It will be built on the following scenarios: 1) Korea as the Soviet Union’s Poland, 2) Korea as anAsianAustria, 3) the Korean Peninsula beginning as anAustria but evolving into a Poland, and 4) other scenarios. Russian illiteracy prevents my access to Russian documents save for those used in secondary research. This presentation will introduce these ideas on Soviet interests in Korea for the purpose of eliciting discussion during and after this presentation will inform on how the Korean post-liberation situation, and U. S.-Soviet relations at this time, is viewed by contemporary Russian scholars. These relations turned sour from the time just before Germany’s defeat. Even though the two sides saw their meetings at the Joint Commission successfully reunifying Korea as a statement to the world regarding their ability to work together, it was clear from early on that this was not a possibility. What were Soviet intentions?What were the United States’ intentions? How did Soviet officials see U. S. intentions? And how did these intentions lead to their ultimate failure in the tasks that the 1945 Moscow Decision assign to them? To what extent did external factors infiltrate the two superpowers’ administrations in their Korean occupation sector? Акуленко В. С. (ДВФУ, Владивосток) Проблема местоположения Древнего Чосона в историографии КНДР Вопрос местоположения Древнего Чосона — первого государственного образования на Корейском полуострове—до сих пор остается дискуссионным. Существует по крайней мере три теории: «ляодунская» (расположение на п-ве Ляодун), «северокорейская» (расположение на северо-западе Корейского п-ва) и «смешанная» (о перемещении центра с Ляодунского п-ва на Корейский п-в). Изучение Древнего Чосона в КНДР началось в 1950-е гг. 1 , однако первых значительных успехов в данном направлении северокорейские ученые достигли 1 Чон Хиён. Чосонэсо чхот кукка хёнсонын самгугый хёнсоныробутхо сичжактвен госи анида (Формирование первых корейских государств началось не с периода трех государств). Ёксанонмунчип (Сборник работ по истории). 1957. № 1. С. 70–81.