Локальное наследие и глобальная перспектива. 24-29 апреля 2014 г. - page 411

Секция III.
Источниковедение и историография Турции
Historiography of Turkey
Yakup Akkus (Atatürk University, Turkey), Kadir Yıldırım (Istanbul University,
Local Violence versus the State’s Silence: Tax Resistance, Local Power
and “Reluctant Flexibility of Ottomans” in 19
Century Middle East........................64
Kaan Durukan (İstanbul, Turkey).
The Course of Historiography in Turkey
at the Turn of the 21st Century.....................................................................................65
Erinç Erdal (Bülent Ecevit University, Zonguldak, Turkey).
Official History
in Transformation of the Early Turkish Republic: Changes and Continuities
in 1940s........................................................................................................................65
Ferhat Korkmaz (Batman University, Turkey).
Ottoman-Russian Relations
as Reflected in 19
Century Turkish Literature . .........................................................66
M. Asım Karaömerlioğlu (Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey).
The Impact
of Populatıon Concerns on the Evolutıon of Turkısh Hıstorıography. ........................66
Bülent Özdemir (Balikesir University, Turkey).
The Theories and Definitions
of Imperialism and Edward Said..................................................................................67
Sándor Földvári (Debrecen University, Pécel, Hungary).
National and Global
Aspects of the Orientalistics in the Interwar Hungary ................................................68
Somel Gözde (Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey).
Developments in the historiography of Turkey: from the pride of nation-building
to the respect for Ottoman tolerance............................................................................68
Süleyman Demrici (Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey
The State of Ottoman
Historiography in Modern Turkey: Some Notes on the Foundation
of the Ottoman Empire and Gazi/Gaza Concepts........................................................69
Akile Zorlu Durukan (Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey).
Educational Content as the Mirror of Official Historiography:
1930s and the New History Textbooks in Turkey........................................................70
Ю. А. Аверьянов (ИВ РАН, Москва).
Пир Султан Абдал и суфийская традиция
Малой Азии. ...............................................................................................................71
Н. Э. Алескерова (Филиал МГУ им М. В. Ломоносова, Баку).
сведения о средневековом братстве Халватийа в Османской империи
в исследованиях западных суфиеведов XX в. — X. И. Кисслинга
и Б. Г. Мартина...........................................................................................................72
А. В. Болдырев (ИВ РАН, Москва).
Российско-турецкие отношения
в общественном мнении России на заключительном этапе Кавказской
войны (1856–1864 гг.)................................................................................................72
О. В. Васильева (РНБ, С.-Петербург).
«По внешнему виду рукопись
не из новых»: В. Д. Смирнов и тюркские письменные памятники.......................73
С. Т. Гаджиев (БГУ, Баку).
Изучение турецко-американских отношений
в российской историографии....................................................................................74
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